The most accurate technique is to have your ring size measured professionally in a jewellery shop. If this is not possible you could follow one of the below methods from our ring size guide!

Buy a ring sizer online 

Ring sizer are available from many online jewellery shops or Amazon. See below for product image.

online ring sizer - ring size guide

These are simple to use at home. But remember that your finger can become swollen when hot or throughout the day. Therefore its best to measure a few times during the day or in the evening.

Measure your ring

Take a ring which fits the desired finger. Measure the inside diameter of the ring with a measuring tape or ruler (see image) and select the ring size from the chart.

ring size guide

Be sure to be accurate as even 1mm can make a big difference in the ring size.

The paper/string method

This is the least accurate when it comes to getting a ring size so we don’t recommend this option. However if you don’t have a ring that fits and don’t have time to go to a shop or buy a ring sizer then this is an option but be sure to be accurate and measure a few times.

1) Cut a thin strip of paper or a piece of non-stretchy string.

2) Wrap it around the base of your finger.

Don’t wrap the string or paper too tightly around your finger or you will have problems getting the ring over your knuckle. Keep in mind that your fingers will swell, and you should leave a little room for the ring. To be more accurate you could measure it morning and evening.

3) Mark the point on the paper/string where it meets the end and completes a circle

Make sure its a nice fit and not too loose or tight!

4) Measure the length of the string or paper

Measure it from the end of the paper/string to the mark with a ruler or tape measure. This is the circumference of your finger.

5) Find out your ring size on the above chart

ring size guide - ring sizer paper

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